Congratulations to Ariana (3rd place), Anthony (2nd place) and Aiden (1st place) for earning the most Way to Go points up to the Progress Report cards. We will have our next winners when at the end of the first term in February.
I would like to congratulate all the Grade 6 Leders on a very successful first half term of the year! I hope you have had an opportunity to review your report card and you should be celebrating your accomplishments! It was nice meeting with most of you at parent-teacher interviews and I would also like to thank all the parents for their consistent support with their children...WE COULD NOT DO IT WITH YOU PARENTS!!! Looking forward to sharing many more Leder learning opportunities with you.
We had a great ceremony for Mr. Foo today. The students spent so much time preparing their star wishes for a class book for him. A group of students spent a lot of time preparing an amazing slide show presentation for him too. One student even created his own video for him at home. While we were sad that today was his last day, he promised that he will come and visit with us soon. We would like to thank Mr. Foo for being an amazing Student Teacher and we wish him the best of luck with the rest of his program!
As a Learning Buddies initiative, we are having the whole school participate in Wacky Wednesday Sock Day at school on Wednesday, November 21st. We are using socks as our symbol to send the message that we respect differences at BHES while raising awareness towards the importance of showing respect and being kind to others. Help us with this mission by having the students wear their wackiest socks on Wednesday BECAUSE ANYONE CAN HAVE A WACKY DAY!
We have been learning about Remembrance Day with our Learning Buddies. We created post cards that we will be sending to Veteran Soldiers and we created poppies that will be displayed at Friday's remembrance day assembly. It was so nice for our students to be role models for their little buddies.